The talent, potential, and aspirations of young people in the Republic of Moldova are premises that allow the development of dynamic and profitable sectors of the national economy. That is why TEKWILL focuses its efforts on encouraging entrepreneurship among the new generations. In the 2021-2022 school year, with the support of the project in 4 universities in Chisinau, Balti, Comrat, and Cahul that teach IT or related fields, entrepreneurship will be taught – one of the investment directions of the project, with the support of USAID development partners and Sweden.

Ana Chirița, director of the TEKWILL project: “We consider that the promotion of the entrepreneurial culture in our country can generate positive results if it is correlated with the education of young people and the development of related skills. The integration of a dedicated course in the field is more than a necessity for future specialists, as Moldovan universities face various challenges related to change or performance, etc. We want students to learn more about entrepreneurship, to bring about changing visions, knowledge, and skills, to support the development of a digital economy. Nowadays, future professionals need to acquire new skills in order to be more competitive on the labor market and to generate innovative and useful products for society, with the help of information technologies. “
From October this year, 40 students will benefit from the knowledge and entrepreneurial guidance within the project. The course is implemented in order to be integrated into the basic educational program and certified in the bachelor’s degree.

The pilot project will be implemented in partnership with the Technical University of Moldova.
In order to better meet the expectations of students’ knowledge of entrepreneurship, a pilot edition of the program will be launched within the Startup Academy. It will take place in partnership with the Technical University of Moldova, in March-May this year. The course will be attended by 10 students from the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, but also from the Faculty of Economics and Business Engineering.

Viorel Bostan, Rector of TUM: “The labor market is constantly changing, and future employees will have to face the new challenges with flying colors. That is why young people need to acquire more skills and abilities in order to be successful in a highly competitive environment. Promoting entrepreneurship in education as one of the key competencies will encourage young people to become more enterprising, find innovative solutions to societal problems and create products that add value to the country’s socio-economic development. ”

What will students learn?
The program includes an extensive course on technological business development and ecosystem trends. Mentors specialized in the fields of IT, business and startups will guide participations in creating a business from idea to application. During this time, students will be familiar with strategic management, financial planning, marketing, pitch, attracting investors, etc. The course will be taught in English, and the educational process will involve a mixed approach of working in groups, but also individually, young people being stimulated to study and apply knowledge outside the classroom. Participants will be selected based on the idea generated, the level of knowledge of English and the motivation to participate in the program. Those wishing to register for the pilot project must complete the application form HERE during February.

“Startup Academy” part of the Startup Moldova program is an educational initiative dedicated to current and potential entrepreneurs, which is developed within the TEKWILL Project, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden. The basic objective of the Tekwill Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society members, but also the research and development potential of higher education institutions, in line with the demand on the IT market.


Anunțăm extinderea termenului limită de aplicare la program – 20 decembrie 2020.

În data de 4 Decembrie 2020, Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul TIC a lansat ediția a III-a a Programului ”Tekwill Ambassadors”, o inițiativă prin care oportunitățile de dezvoltare vin mai aproape de toți cei interesați și le oferă susținerea și resursele necesare pentru a atinge performanța în domeniul Tehnologiei Informației și Comunicațiilor (TIC). Programul este realizat cu susținerea financiară din partea Agenției Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID) și Guvernului Suediei în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea Centrului de Excelență în Domeniul TIC Tekwill”.

Formularul de aplicare:

În cadrul Programului vor fi susținute inițiativele și proiectele dedicate dezvoltării domeniul Tehnologiilor Informaționale prin acțiuni educaționale și de consolidare a antreprenoriatului. Propunerile de proiecte por fi înaintate de persoane fizice, organizații non-guvernamentale, companii și grupuri de inițiativă.

Pe parcursul anului 2020 programul Tekwill Ambassadors s-a adaptat necesităților comunității și a oferit suport proiectelor apărute pe parcurs. Inițiative ce au întrunit specialiști, lideri de comunitate și entuziaști ce au îmbrățișat cunoștințele noi și abilități digitale.

În continuarea obiectivului de a crește resurse umane competente, dezvoltarea și atragerea potențialilor lideri de comunitate, ediția a III-a a programului Tekwill Ambassadors vine să susțină programele și inițiativele pe Verticale, ce vor dezvolta concepte în linie cu următoarele obiective strategice ale proiectului Tekwill:
– Dezvoltarea comunităților pe verticalele: FinTech, AgTech, HealthTech, EdTech, DeepTech, WineTech, FashionTech etc.
– Digitalizarea societății.
– Suport și Accelerare inovațiilor tehnologice în verticalele accentuate.
– Inițiere in dezvoltarea startupurilor
– Dezvoltarea abilităților Antreprenoriale

Ce este o verticală tehnologică?
Punctul de intersecție dintre un sector economic și tehnologiile informaționale împreună cu inovațiile unde apar soluții pentru digitalizarea sectoarelor economiei naționale precum Medicina, Agricultura, Educatie, Turism, Fashion și altele.
Consolidarea efortului de dezvoltare a ecosistemului, ghidat de inovație și cunoașterea industriei tehnologice.
Acest proiect face parte dintr-o colaborare public-privată mai largă, pe care USAID o susține în sectoarele-țintă, pentru a dezvolta afaceri inovatoare și a susține integrarea tehnologiilor informaționale în diferite sectoare ale economiei.

Modul și forma de desfășurare a inițiativelor eligibile:

  1. Webinar
  2. Workshop
  3. Networking sessions
  4. Mentorship
  5. Cursuri
  6. Hackathon
  7. Podcast
  8. Video series
  9. Accelerators
  10. Community meetups

Pozițiile din buget ce pot fi acoperite în cadrul programului:

  • Servicii dezvoltare materiale vizuale
  • Producție video și foto
  • Plasare media și Social Media
  • Management
  • Streaming setup
  • Platforme online
  • Traduceri
  • Mentori / Speakeri
  • Contracte individuale pentru creare de conținut

KPI-uri pentru elaborarea conceptelor:
1. Impact – minim 50 participanți per eveniment (poate fi ajustat in dependență de concept)
2. Cel puțin 1 eveniment pe lună
3. 30 startup-uri implicate
4. Atragerea actorilor / partenerilor internaționali
5. Implicarea partenerilor / sponsorilor comerciale
6. Online impact minim 500 de persoane/lună
7. 5-10 sesiuni(1h) de mentorat pe lună
8. Minim 1 Bootcamp pe an

Proceduri și livrabile:– Achitările se efectuează direct furnizorilor postfactum, după raportarea activității.– În urma fiecărei inițiative ambasadorul livrează raportul cu atașarea statisticilor, imaginilor din cadrul activității și listei participanților.– Ambasadorul va ține la curent managerul programului cu toate modificările în cadrul activității.– Managerul programului va expedia spre completare pachetul de documente către ambasadorii selectați.– Selecția se efectuează în cadrul comisiei pe baza criteriilor de mai jos:

  • Relevanța proiectului conform obiectivelor Programului Tekwill Vertical Ambassadors;
  • Coerența scopului, obiectivelor, activităților, rezultatelor şi indicatorilor;
  • Obiective clar definite, specifice, măsurabile și realiste;
  • Definirea clară a grupului țintă (beneficiari / participanți);
  • Estimarea realistă a bugetului, în concordanță cu activitățile planificate;
  • Capacitatea de a atrage resurse, altele decât cele oferite de Proiectul Tekwill
  • Calitatea mecanismului de monitorizare și evaluare a rezultatelor;
  • Consistența acțiunilor de promovare;
  • Durabilitatea proiectului;
  • Capacitatea de realizare și experiența candidatului / organizației care a prezentat propunerea de proiect.

    Lansarea primului apel: 4 decembrie Perioada de aplicare: 4 decembrie – 20 decembrie Selectarea participanților: 21-26 decembrie
    Perioada de desfășurare a inițiativelor: Ianuarie – Iunie 2021
    FORMULARUL de aplicare:

    Atenționăm că în APRILIE va fi lansat al doilea call pentru perioada Iulie – Decembrie 2021


Peste 1050 de participanți din țară și de peste hotare, 64 de speakeri de top, 36 de evenimente dedicate startup-urilor locale. Sunt totalurile Moldova Startup Week 2020, care s-a dovedit a fi o platformă eficientă pentru crearea unor experiențe pline de oportunități pentru antreprenorii care gândesc inovativ din țara noastră. Interesul pentru eveniment a depășit hotarele țării, iar peste 20 de mii de internauți au fost conectați online, inclusiv din Irlanda, România, Germania, Polonia și Belarus.

„Moldova Startup Week 2020” a dat tonul tendințelor globale a antreprenoriatului bazat pe inovații și a conectat la aceeași comunitate experți, mentori, manageri, parteneri internaționali, entuziaști și pe cei mai buni fondatori de startup-uri. Evenimentul este o inițiativă TechStars și face parte din seria de proiecte dezvoltate de TEKWILL în cadrul Programului Național „Startup Moldova” cu susținerea USAID și Suedia.

  • Moldova Statup Week a fost punctul de intersecție între estul și vestul antreprenoriatului global, unde și-au dat întâlnire peste 60 de invitați speciali, printre care antreprenori, investitori, mentori și reprezentanți ai companiilor tech internaționale și locale. Indubitabil, calitatea evenimentului a fost dictată de nume mari din industria IT, banking, consultanță și marketing digital, printre care s-au numărat Kamran Elahian (SUA)Moshe Porat (Israel)Antonio Nasuto (Republica Cehă) și Simon Zagaynov (China).
  • Moldova Startup Week a facilitat dialogul constructiv pe tema dezvoltării economiei bazate pe tehnologie și inovație. În 2021 urmează să fie creată o structură unică, responsabilă pentru managementul promovării și dezvoltării proiectelor în susținerea ecosistemului de startup-uri. La fel, aceasta urmează să ofere consultanță și asistență tehnică și se va alinia cu inițiativa Fondul guvernamental pentru inovare digitală, care este în curs de avizare. Noua organizație va atrage resurse de finanțare și va contribui la consolidarea capacităților de absorbție a investițiilor de către startup-urile locale. De anul viitor, noi inițiative de încurajare a antreprenoriatului vor fi dezvoltate și ca parte a Programului Național Startup Moldova. Acesta va fi centrat pe 3 direcții: dezvoltarea ecosistemului de startup-uri, susținerea inițiativelor comunitare, accelerarea de noi produse și startup-uri tech. (link la sesiune)
  • Moldova Startup Week a fost un adevărat hub de inspirație pentru startup-urile locale, care avut acces la conferințe și ateliere de lucru, sesiuni de training pentru pitching, informații despre potențialele surse de finanțare și programe de accelerare, lansări de inițiative antreprenoriale, schimb de experiență cu alte startup-uri din diferite domenii și întruniri cu potențialii investitori. De asemenea, ei au colectat feedback și sugestii pentru a-și îmbunătăți ideea de afacere sau startup-ul. La eveniment, 10 antreprenori la început de cale au fost conectați în mod direct cu potențialii investitori internaționali din România, Cehia, Rusia, Estonia și Marea Britanie. La sesiunea „Demo Day”, startup-urile locale au fost puse sub lumina reflectoarelor, iar fondatorii s-au conectat și au discutat în mod direct cu potențialii investitori profesioniști, interesați de susținerea afacerilor din Europa de Sud-Est, printre care s-au numărat Levan Kavtaradze (Rusia), Jakub Stracina (Republica Cehă), Peter Parragh (Ungaria) și Stanislav Ivanov (Estonia). Celelalte startup-uri care nu au participat la „Demo Day” au putut explora și alte oportunități la eveniment. În cadrul „Matching Day”, ei au beneficiat de discuții profesionale cu mentori din diverse domenii precum IT, PR, finanțe și marketing. La final de zi, aceștia au fost invitați la o cină privată alături de investitori.
  • La „Moldova Startup Week” au fost cartografiate startup-urile locale pentru a asigura mai multă vizibilitate și expunere în comunitatea internațională, în scopul creșterii vizibilității lor și atragerii mai ușoare a investițiilor externe. A fost stabilit un parteneriat cu Startup Genome – organizație ce consultă lideri internaționali și state, în vederea elaborării politicilor de țară și a strategilor de inovare pentru creșterea economică. Astfel, în anul următor, și Republica Moldova va fi inclusă în raportul de analiză a ecosistemului de startup-uri realizat de Startup Genome. La eveniment a fost elaborată o hartă a startup-urilor locale pe care se regăsesc 64 de nume și pe care o puteți consulta.
  • Lipsa culturii antreprenoriale, limitării accesului la finanțare dar și a experienței în gestionarea afacerilor bazate pe produse proprii, sunt printre principalele impedimente în dezvoltarea cu succes a startup-urilor locale bazate pe tehnologii informaționale. Pentru a reduce acest decalaj, în Republica Moldova sunt implementate mai multe programe dedicate creșterii și susținerii afacerilor de tip startup. Acestea creează diverse oportunități pentru dezvoltarea, accelerarea, atragerea și absorbția investițiilor, pentru scalarea micilor afaceri și extinderea pe piața locală sau globală. 7 dintre aceste inițiative au fost prezentate la Moldova Startup Week 2020. (link la sesiune)
  • Moldova Startup Week a fost o platformă de discuții pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor pe verticală în domenii cheie: FinTechEdTechAgTechHealthTech. Discuțiile participanților s-au axat pe proiecte în dezvoltare, în baza cărora au fost identificate impedimentele și soluțiile necesare pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor pe verticală.
  • Moldova Startup Week a creat punți de legătură între marile companii și startup-uri prin intermediul inovațiilor corporative, un obiectiv urmărit și de programul Startup Moldova în 2021. Programul va aduna în palmares cele mai competitive startup-uri locale și va face apel către companiile moderne, tehnologizate și flexibile pentru ca acestea să gestioneze împreună eforturile și acțiunile de inovare. Astfel, companiile urmează a fi invitate la dezvoltarea strategiei și vor fi formate echipe de lucru. Urmează a fi organizate și câteva hackatoane industriale, pentru a instrui managerii și angajații companiei despre modalități de a conlucra cu startup-uri și a facilita procesele. Până la sfârșitul anului 2021, va fi lansat un accelerator pentru corporații care să faciliteze dezvoltarea cultura inovative bazată pe soluții antreprenoriale și altele.
  • La Moldova Startup Week am ales împreună cel mai activ ambasador al comunității și startup-ul cu cel mai mare impact. Aproximativ 5000 de oameni au participat la sesiunile de vot. La categoria „Cel mai activ ambasador al comunității startup din Moldova” a fost desemnat Traian Chivriga, fondator XY Partners, un antreprenor implicat în numeroase proiecte și inițiative, care susține în mod eficient dezvoltarea ecosistemului local de startup-uri, iar anul trecut a lansat un program de accelerare pentru startup-urile din Moldova – XY Accelerator powered by Tekwill. La categoria „Startup-ul cu cel mai mare impact” s-a evidențiat distinctiv startup-ul național Fagura – o bancă digitală, unde oamenii își pot gestiona online toată activitatea financiară și care dezvoltă un marketplace de credite, bazat pe tehnologie p2p lending.

Moldova StartupWeek este un eveniment marca Techstars, care are loc în peste 50 de țări din lume. „Tech stars Startup Week” este organizat de Startup Moldova cu sprijinul Agenției Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID) și a Suediei.


Moldova Startup Week 2020 is the most important event dedicated to local startups that provides many opportunities and benefits. Taking place between November 16-20, it will include a series of interesting events and options for current and potential entrepreneurs with innovative ideas.

For five days, participants will have access to a variety of workshops, information on potential sources of funding and acceleration programs, launch entrepreneurial initiatives, exchange experience with other startups in various fields, and meetings with potential investors. International guests with extensive experience from failure to success in developing startups will be in the spotlight to share their success stories with participants.

Also, during Moldova Startup Week 2020 the country policies and actions to be taken for the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Moldova will be presented. The event will facilitate the constructive dialogue for the development of the economy based on technology and innovation, the application of international trends, creating several opportunities for local startups.

Participate as well! Register at:

To be up to date with all the details of the event visit:

Get to know the Moldova Startup Week 2020 edition!

“Gov4Startups” – November 16

The official opening of Moldova Startup Week 2020 will kick off with a session focused on government where several topics will be discussed about the legal framework, international ecosystem development models, dedicated programs and funding platforms, as well as other actions to stimulate local entrepreneurship related to technologies and innovations. Together with the public authorities this panel will be attended by local and international experts as well as development partners. The first day’s program will be complemented by two more panel discussions on how the private and public sectors collaborate with universities in the country to encourage the development of innovation. In parallel, the XY organization will conduct a workshop with local startups where they will discuss the steps to follow in preparing for pitches to catch the attention of potential investors. By the end of the day participants will learn about programs and opportunities from which local startups may benefit.

Startup Showcase” – November 17

Local startups will be presented to the general public giving students, freelancers, employees, and digital enthusiasts an opportunity to become familiar with the most popular startups in the country. Many business founders who have an open mind and the courage to overcome barriers will present their success stories. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to motivational speeches but also learn practical advice on how to go from an idea to a business. Also, on this day, the results of the online voting of the best local startup chosen by the general public through an application will be presented.

Matching Day” – November 18

This day will include a day full of online sessions that will connect startups with mentors, accelerators, and investors to work together to improve future initiatives. Participants will have the opportunity to present their products to potential customers, to collect feedback and suggestions, to establish connections with other members of the local community of startups. They will also participate in practical workshops, where they will learn how to “sell” their business or ideas to investors. The workshops will take place offline and will be held behind closed doors.

Vertical Day” – November 19

This day will include several events dedicated to innovations in various fields such as Winetech, AgTech, MedTech, EdTch, and Fintech. These are the areas that will be discussed in online interest groups and where participants will learn more relevant innovative practices and digital solutions from local and international experts.

Corporate Innovations Day” – November 20

The last day of the event will be dedicated to corporate innovations. Professionals from the management of some referenced companies in the tech field will share details behind the roles and importance of innovations in their business and how they are created and implemented in their daily work.

Moldova Startup Week is a Techstars event, which takes place in over 50 countries around the world. It is carried out within the entrepreneurial communities to bring together relevant people in building the entrepreneurial ecosystem, from representatives of the public administration, future entrepreneurs, investors, and support organizations. “Techstars Startup Week” is organized by Startup Moldova with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden in the Tekwill Project.


To support the development of entrepreneurship in Moldova, the Tekwill project organizes multiple events and projects dedicated to training Moldovan entrepreneurs. Moldovan startups that are developing innovative products and services are able to benefit from several opportunities.

One opportunity in particular is Startup Academy Bootcamp, an accelerator program which recently set 11 experts in the field to meet with local entrepreneurs in Chisinau. Eight startups entered the online bootcamp which served as an excellent scaling tool, given that startups have been offered absolutely free access to an entire ecosystem of business founders, investors, and consultants. The bootcamp has been organized by the Startup Moldova Program, implemented within the TEKWILL project with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden.

Ana Chirița, director of the TEKWILL project: “The idea we started from was to offer entrepreneurs a useful experience and to contribute to the creation of networks of knowledge and inspiration for entrepreneurs. This program provided participants with a complex set of workshops from which they learned about the principles of starting a business, identifying, and exploring the benefits of target markets, gaining access to finance, etc. The bootcamp is an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on knowledge from professionals in the field and to establish connections with Startup Academy organizers, partners, and mentors, who have guided participants to grow their business quickly. Thus, we contribute to the acceleration of local entrepreneurship, and startups that have the courage to adopt innovations and use their ideas intelligently, and later will be able to build businesses with local, regional or international impact.”

Startup Academy Bootcamp – a platform for connecting startups with investors and experts in the field

The participants in the 2020 edition of Startup Academy Bootcamp had the opportunity to improve their skills and entrepreneurial knowledge with 11 qualified mentors: four local mentors and seven international mentors from Romania, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, Georgia and Hungary. Among them is Răzvan Atim, the representative of UiPath – the startup that became a “unicorn” whose value was estimated at 10.2 million dollars in 2020. Over the course of three days, the young entrepreneurs presented their businesses and received personalized feedback, resulting in improvements to their development objectives for their startups.

Alina Rozanova, Executive Director, TouchPlatform, Georgia: “Several aspects are extremely important in presenting a business so that we can persuade investors: focus on the chosen field, be stable and with rapid growth potential, profit – we must be able to demonstrate that the money invested will bring profit, we also mention about the market analysis, exact figures, because the statistics show that investors are more willing to allocate finance to companies that already have a prototype product/service. The team also plays an important role, investors pay attention to the team and the founders of the business, they aim to be involved, sincere and ambitious. And the icing on the cake – the pitch. A crucial aspect is the impeccable presentation of the business plan, and exact arguments on the financial needs and use of funds.”

For those looking to expand into new markets, Europe is undoubtedly a platform full of opportunities, experts suggest. Last year, around 2,300 startups were set up in the EU, most of them in fields such as Tech, Greentech or Fintech. In a study conducted in 2019, 64% of European startup founders said they prefer Europe to launch their business, to the detriment of other continents. The most powerful startup ecosystems can be found in the UK, Germany, or France. The founders of startups consider that talent and value for money are the main strengths of Europe.

Tamás Békási, Project Manager, eitHealth: “Expanding your business in the EU is an important and courageous decision. But you need to look at a few things, such as energy resources or fintech that are different in each country, before choosing your target audience. You also need to be aware of the GDPR restrictions for that country. In recent years, social entrepreneurship – projects focused on climate, health, agriculture has been encouraged and you will find many public resources that will fund your idea.”

Other interactive sessions included workshops on topics such as customer retention strategies, the art of presenting, market/investor research methods, fundraising strategies, and economic units (costs, revenues, profit). At the pitching workshops, both the entrepreneurs and the mentors browsed the creative ideas and reformed what a startup needs to build and offer a captivating pitch. At the end participants presented their ideas in front of a panel of experts.

Dumitru Albot, co-founder of SMARTEST: “There is no success that appears overnight. It all depends on your perseverance and dedicated time, years of trials and tribulations, which, in the end, will give important results. Startup Bootcamp is the system that can significantly reduce the learning trajectory, but also accelerate scalable results, and this helps you to have more clarity in the journey through the sphere of entrepreneurship.”

Discover the startups!

Startups participating in bootcamps are among the most active and innovative startups in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem.

  • Teleportravel – an online travel platform where any traveler can promote routes so that other tourists can find new and unexplored places in Moldova. The project provides the opportunity to every tourist to share their own tourist experiences with other enthusiastic travelers via the Teleportravel platform which contains an online guide and Messenger.
  • Agricos – an online marketplace for local producers and small/medium farmers where they can sell their products directly to consumers. Farmers also have the opportunity to sell directly to B2B consumers and earn at least 15% more, receiving orders without leaving the farmland.
  • WOOP – a transparent and reusable protective mask which aims to solve the communication and pollution problems that occur after using current surgical masks meant to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. More than $150,000 is needed for the mass production of the WOOP mask which is why the team of inventors has launched a fundraising campaign to launch the innovative product.
  • EAGRIASSIST – a web trading platform that unites local agri-food farmers and commercial actors for the development of trade in agricultural products.
  • SMARTEST – an educational platform with the help of which high school students assess their knowledge gaps to better prepare for exams. SMARTEST combines psycho-pedagogical best practices with IT solutions for maximum efficiency in training students and provides psychological preparation before passing the exams.
  • Appzi- an easy-to-use feedback tool that helps entrepreneurs find suggestions and feedback about their products. The given feedback can be useful to the entire design or development team using the Appzi feedback management portal.
  • iBeauty – an application through which reservations can be made for beauty salons/shops. ibeauty evolves the practices of the beauty industry and reinvents the way Moldovan consumers see the beauty industry.
  • Kickly – an online application that facilitates sports associations to create high-quality graphics at lower costs by using predefined templates that will facilitate the creation of graphic images.
  • ro – online educational platform for individual guidance, which uses web conferencing tools designed for students and teachers. Built on the model of crowdsourcing, the platform aims to combine educational content and correlate the material of different school subjects with current curricula.
  • Life – It is a digital platform for virtual wine tastings. Being located anywhere in the world, Gustos.Life users can invest, resell and finally, offer a gift of any brand of wine produced globally with a simple click.

About the TEKWILL project

Startup Academy Bootcamp, part of the “Startup Moldova” Program, took place between September 30 and October 2, 2020. It is implemented by ATIC within the TEKWILL Project with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development and Sweden. “Tekwill” was created in 2017 as the Center of Excellence of the ICT sector in Moldova, with the main purpose of aligning the field with current market requirements. Aiming to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the IT industry and other strategic sectors of the economy, the center has expanded its fields of activity, becoming in 2019 a complex nationwide project, with the slogan “The revolution begins!” The basic objective of the TEKWILL Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country, by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society, but also by increasing the research and development potential of education institutions, in line with the demand in the IT market.


More than 670 employees of Moldovan small and medium businesses (SMEs) have successfully graduated from the “Startup Academy” program, a complex intensive training for entrepreneurs.

The current edition, dedicated to SMEs, delivered a series of courses in practical fields, providing participants with the necessary knowledge to make their business visible in the digital environment, helping them to continue their activity during a pandemic. For three months, they studied topics such as digital solutions, marketing tools, and online sales & promotion. The approximate 455 participating SMEs benefited from direct expertise from mentors with experience in marketing, communication, IT, logistics, and human resources for the problems they face in the process of migrating their online business. The aim of the initiative was to train entrepreneurs so that at the end of the course they understand the mechanisms underlying the growth of a successful business. “Startup Academy” is organized within the Startup Moldova program “Digital Upgrade” and is a partnership between the TEKWILL Project and ODIMM.

Ana Chirița, TEKWILL project director: “Considering our niche of projects, mostly IT, this is a new opportunity to support SMEs in Moldova. We believe that information technologies are the basis for modernizing and facilitating trade, including online. The aspects in which the economic agents needed an impetus or a package of knowledge to develop their business were offered through this methodically structured program to meet the expectations of entrepreneurs. The need for the program was pointed out to us by SME representatives in a study, in which about 90% of participants mentioned that they need expertise and knowledge to become competitive as they do not have the ability to build sustainable online businesses. I am impressed by the successes of the participants, by the large presence of those enrolled, and this makes me believe that Startup Academy is a really useful program.”

Iulia Costin, General Manager, ODIMM: “We enjoy the partnership with TEKWILL and the Startup Moldova program and thank Sweden and USAID for their collaboration, as their involvement strengthens economic prosperity in the Republic of Moldova. Through this project, we aim to help companies in rural areas. This digitization tool serves like a test to see how well companies are prepared for a future national digital training program. Training means knowledge, knowledge means a step forward – this is what Startup Academy means. The SME digitization tool is an efficient and fast solution and positive results are already crystallizing. We are working on processing the first wave of projects – 190 companies have submitted files to receive small grants and 230 – seek for large grants. On this occasion, I come with an urge to entrepreneurs to talk openly about their ideas, needs or what type of funding require. You will have the opportunity to make your voice heard at the next application session that will be launched soon by ODIMM.”

Vitalie Tarlev, Secretary of State, MEI: “We, as the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, have the task of eliminating the constraints that may arise in the process of interaction between economic agents and authorities in the online environment. We have a number of institutions that have adapted to the online environment and several institutions that are in the process of digitization. I am pleasantly surprised to learn that this program has enjoyed a wide audience and will be further developed. In a short time, we managed to form teams, we managed to set budgets to answer the pressing questions of the business community, especially SMEs. We are also happy to see public institutions that, thanks to these initiatives, have become more efficient and provide digital solutions. I want to thank the developers and partners for this program and wish everyone success in business, since it has been enriched with useful knowledge.”

The course program was structured on two levels: intermediate and advanced. In the first stage, entrepreneurs learned the importance of having a physical presence on online platforms and how to adapt a business to be as close as possible to customers.

Digitization of the private sector supported by USAID and Sweden

The special edition of the Startup Academy dedicated to entrepreneurs is organized within the Digital Upgrade initiative of the Startup Moldova program, developed within the framework of the Tekwill project with the support of USAID and Sweden development partners, together with ATIC, ODIMM, Moldova IT Park and UNDP. To date, about 472 teams and 680 companies have received support to grow and improve their business through the program.

Adam Amberg, Head of the Development Cooperation Section, Swedish Embassy in Moldova: “I am glad to be here and thank all those who contributed to this program. I have a few years of experience in this field, but Moldova continues to amaze me with its development potential in this sector. We, in Sweden, believe that digitalization and innovation lead to prosperity, transparency and well-being. We noticed among the participants the need for advanced knowledge and digital training to develop sustainable online businesses. The number of companies that have participated in this program is impressive and I hope that they have acquired knowledge and confidence to launch e-commerce after completion.”

John Riordan, Deputy Head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID): “The Moldova Startup Program aims to provide the infrastructure to promote the digitalization of the non-IT sectors and support e-commerce. This is especially important now because about 88% of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova have been affected by declining product demand. I believe that digital innovations are the solutions for Moldovan SMEs to ensure their activity and provide jobs. Another advantage of participating in this program is the creation of valuable links with experts and investors in the field. USAID will continue to support the IT industry and entrepreneurial competitiveness, and we will soon support the development of other regions in Moldova than Chisinau. Thus, we will contribute to this digital revolution, facilitating access to the best knowledge and practices.”

The Tekwill Project – The Revolution Begins!

The National Startup Moldova Program is part of the Tekwill Project, implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies, with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden. Tekwill was created in 2017 as a Center of Excellence of the ICT sector in Moldova, with the main purpose of aligning the field with current market requirements. Aiming to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the IT industry and other strategic sectors of the economy, the center has expanded its fields of activity, becoming in 2019 a complex nationawide project, with the slogan “The revolution begins!”. The basic objective of the TEKWILL Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society, but also by increasing the research and development potential of education, in line with the demand in the IT market.


IT solutions remain one of the most suitable ways to recover traditional sectors of the country’s economy. Recently, the program “AgTech Academy” was launched, an initiative that will develop the skills of young people in agriculture that are required by companies in the country. The training courses represent an activity similar to the National Startup Moldova Program “Digital IMPACT”, a project that aims to provide several digital solutions for the recovery of traditional sectors of the national economy. This includes solutions such as process automation, improving business tools, and facilitating the use of e-commerce by encouraging cross-sectoral collaboration.

Ana Chirița, TEKWILL Project Director: “The Tekwill project is committed to providing digital solutions for several strategic sectors of the national economy. Through the national program Startup Moldova “Digital IMPACT”, we collected data on industry difficulties and potential IT solutions on the market, and then we encouraged cross-sectoral collaboration. Moreover, we have launched several entrepreneurship education programs combined with the elements offered by IT solutions, and now we are at the stage of identifying and approving 10 solutions for different fields, which can be folded into several sectors and will contribute to their development. And that’s because at Startup Moldova we grow ideas that change the world. “

“AgTech Academy” – necessary training for young people in agriculture

The initiative to train young people in agriculture is launched by the specialized portal, with the support of the USAID/ Moldova High Value Agriculture Activity and the TEKWILL Project “Startup Moldova Digital IMPACT” for digitalization of agriculture, funded by USAID and Sweden.

Oleg Stiopca, Head of Labor Development, USAID/ Moldova High Value Agriculture Activity: According to studies conducted at the beginning of the USAID/ HVAA project, young people studying agricultural specialties lack so-called “soft skills”, i.e. skills related to communication, leadership, teamwork. Certainly, AgTech Academy will fill these gaps in training strength specialists who will turn agriculture into a successful business.”

In partnership with Startup Academy, several training courses are to be organized in the next period, given that the progress of agriculture in the country requires additional expertise. Forty young people are to be selected to participate in two editions of the Academy including autumn/winter 2020 and spring/summer 2021. With these editions, a series of trainings will be organized where participants will develop their corporate thinking, learn the secrets of strategic planning, and digitization of agriculture.

Sergiu Jaman, founder of Agrobiznes: “We are sure that agriculture can become attractive for young specialists immediately after graduation. We have met many young people who want to develop a healthy activity at home, that is why we believe in the success of this platform. Together with young people and private companies, we will continue to identify the problems that make the agricultural sector less attractive at the moment, but also will find the solutions.”

AgTech has become the first Academy in Moldova for young specialists passionate about agriculture. It will function as a platform for dialogue between potential employers and employees and also offer young people the opportunity to develop the skills required by companies in the field. The trainings come with a series of practical benefits and at the end of the course, young people will have the opportunity to bring their knowledge gained to the top five companies in the agricultural sector. Thus, the training program will ensure:

  • a platform that provides a dialogue between young professionals and the private sector, but also new employment opportunities after the completion of internships;
  • organizing online courses in marketing, entrepreneurship and digitalization of agriculture, in partnership with Startup Academy;
  • organizing webinars for students and managers of agricultural educational institutions;
  • career guidance and presentation of the most important aspects that must be taken into account during studies in order to meet the requirements of the employer;
  • development of software skills for young specialists, including teamwork, communication, and results focused.

Those who want to participate in the training program can register by accessing the link

International partners support the digitization of sectors of the national economy

Currently, with the Startup Moldova “Digital IMPACT” initiative, several sectoral solutions involving information technologies have been identified. Some of them are dedicated to the various branches of agriculture and the food industry:

  • beekeeping – digital platform for preventing bee poisoning and facilitating communication between authorities, beekeepers, and farmers
  • fruit export – a platform to consolidate promotion of local fruit producers for foreign markets
  • online trade in agricultural products – “marketplace”, an integrated platform for marketing products and services to farmers and local companies
  • wine industry – platform dedicated to guided tastings.

The implementation of Startup Moldova “Digital IMPACT” takes place with the support of international partners.

Scott Hocklander, Head of the USAID Mission to Moldova: “The Startup Moldova “Digital IMPACT” program contributes to strengthening the ecosystem development effort, guided by innovation and knowledge of the technology industry. This project is part of a broader public-private partnership, which USAID supports in target sectors, to develop innovative businesses and support the integration of information technologies in different sectors of the economy. USAID believes in Moldova’s potential and in the ability of the private sector to implement information technologies in its day-to-day work. We support the successful development of different sectors because difficult situations require advanced solutions.”

Anna Lyberg, Swedish Ambassador to Moldova: “Sweden supports digital transformation globally, and in Moldova supports innovation, entrepreneurship and the ICT sector through programs launched by the TEKWILL Project. Thus, Sweden contributes to increasing IT skills and capacity by promoting innovative solutions in all sectors, including non-IT. The integration of information technologies in different spheres of life and the creation of alternative platforms can contribute to providing multiple opportunities for business development, economic growth and improving living conditions in Moldova, in general.”

The TEKWILL project – The revolution begins!

The Moldova Startup Program “Digital IMPACT” is part of the TEKWILL Project, implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies, with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden. “Tekwill” was created in 2017 as a Center of Excellence of the ICT sector in Moldova, with the main purpose of aligning the field with current market requirements. Aiming to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the IT industry and other strategic sectors of the economy, the center has expanded its fields of activity, becoming in 2019 a complex nationwide project, with the slogan “The revolution begins!”. The basic objective of the TEKWILL Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society, but also by increasing the research and development potential of education, in line with the demand in the IT market. More details on


Zeci de startup-uri sunt create în fiecare an în Moldova, însă doar câteva reușesc să atragă investiții, iar ulterior să devină business-uri performante. Celor curajoși le vin în ajutor mai multe inițiative de dezvoltare lansate cu suportul partenerilor internaționali, așa cum este și „Moldova Startup Week 2020” (16-20 noiembrie 2020) – cel mai important eveniment local dedicat antreprenoriatului. Timp de cinci zile, participanții vor avea acces la sesiuni și ateliere de lucru online și offline, întâlniri cu investitorii, „demo days”, expertiză cu privire la cadrul legal, schimb de experiență, informații despre sursele de finanțare pentru cei care își doresc să creeze sau gestionează deja un startup, politici de țară pentru dezvoltarea ecosistemului antreprenorial din Moldova, prezentarea actorilor din domeniu și altele. „Moldova Startup Week 2020” este un eveniment Techstars organizat de Programul Startup Moldova cu suportul Agenției pentru Dezvoltare Internațională a Statelor Unite (USAID) și a Suediei, în cadrul Proiectului TEKWILL.

Ana Chirița, directoarea Proiectului TEKWILL: „Moldova Startup Week reprezintă cea mai importantă platformă locală în care toți cei implicați – autorități, asociații de profil, sectorul privat, parteneri de dezvoltare, comunitatea internațională etc.- s-au aliniat pentru o misiune comună, cu un puternic impact pe viitor și care ne poate propulsa în topul ecosistemelor locale de startup-uri din lume. Asta pentru că platforma va facilita întreținerea unui dialog constructiv pentru dezvoltarea economiei bazată pe tehnologie și inovație, aplicarea tendințelor internaționale și crearea oportunităților pentru startup-urile locale. „Moldova Startup Week 2020” face parte din seria de proiecte dezvoltate de TEKWILL în cadrul Programului Național Startup Moldova. La eveniment vom cartografia ecosistemul și vom include Republica Moldova pe harta internațională – un angajament pe care ni l-am asumat de la crearea proiectului. Avem tineri cu idei inovative, iar cu expertiza și suportul necesar, ecosistemul local va intra pe trend ascendent.”

Europa centrală și de est în atenția investitorilor străini

Până acum 10 ani, Europa Centrală și de Est nu figura pe harta destinațiilor tech atractive pentru investitorii străini. Totuși, datorită amplificării generate de „unicorni” precum Skype sau Avast, dar și apariția unor ecosisteme în creștere, regiunea devine un concurent important în domeniul tehnologiilor.

Vecinii noștri din est, ucrainenii s-au remarcat deja la nivel internațional cu mai multe companii de succes precum Whatsapp (Jan Koum), Paypal și Affirm (Max Levchin) etc. Asociat cu peste 200.000 de profesioniști IT și costuri scăzute ale forței de muncă, sectorul de outsourcing din Ucraina s-a dezvoltat vertiginos în ultimii ani. Actualmente, aproximativ 100 de companii multinaționale și-au deschis birourile de cercetare și dezvoltare în Ucraina, printre care se numără Samsung sau Siemens.

Și România a devenit o destinație atractivă pentru investitorii străini. Un exemplu de succes este UiPath – startup-ul românesc cu o valoare de cca 7 mlrd. de dolari. În prezent, este considerat cel mai valoros startup de inteligență artificială din lume. Compania își are sediul în SUA și mai are reprezentanțe în alte 6 țări, fiind specializată în dezvoltarea tehnologiei de automatizare software pentru procesele de lucru.

Un alt exemplu este și Bitfender – companie evaluată la 600 mln dolari (2017), dar și un lider global de securitate cibernetică care protejează peste 500 de milioane de sisteme în peste 150 de țări. Dintre cele mai importante 50 de centre de tehnologie europeană, conform The European Digital City Index, București se situează pe locul 10 din cele 12 orașe din Europa de Est cu cele mai bune ecosisteme pentru companiile noi.

Moldova ocupă locul 64 într-un clasament internațional realizat de Blink (, top ce apreciază puterea de pornire a ecosistemelor. Potrivit unor date statistice ale Proiectului TEKWILL, în Republica Moldova există peste 100 de startup-uri, însă potențialul țării este mult mai mare.

Startup-urile din Moldova – pe drumul către succes

În ultimii ani, în țara noastră, au fost făcuți pași importanți în acest sens: crearea spațiilor de co-working, programe de training pentru fondatorii startup-urilor, cursuri de gestionare a afacerilor, de marketing, dar și pentru acces la investiții. Rezultatele nu s-au lăsat așteptate. Micile afaceri au furnizat noi oportunități și modele de angajare și au dezvoltat aptitudinile tinerilor. Totodată, i-au încurajat să rămână acasă și să-și folosească potențialul pentru dezvoltarea economică a țării. Printre dintre cele mai active startup-uri locale sunt XOR, Retently, Vintage, Lobster ș.a. Un exemplu de succes este și Zeroqode – startup care promovează o tehnologie fără cod ce face lansarea unor noi aplicații, afaceri sau produse de 10 ori mai rapidă, fără a fi necesare abilități de programare sau fond tehnic. În mai puțin de doi ani, echipa proiectului a devenit lider internațional pe nișa de dezvoltare web fără cod. O altă istorie de succes este platforma – un instrument de colaborare prin care agențiile, freelancerii și echipele de marketing își pot eficientiza crearea și administrarea conținutului pe rețelele sociale. În 2017, după mai multe încercări, startup-ul a fost acceptat în cadrul unuia dintre cele mai importante acceleratoare din Europa – TechStars London – și a primit finanțare. De asemenea, fondatorii startup-urilor au fost incluși în lista „30 Under 30 Europe 2019” întocmită de Forbes SUA.

Sillicon Valley este considerat „raiul” startup-urilor, însă pentru a avea succes nu trebuie să fii prezent neapărat pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii. Un exemplu relevant este Israelul, un stat mic, fără resurse naturale, care produce mai multe companii startup de succes decât alte ţări precum China, India sau Canada. Antreprenorii trecuți prin astfel de experiențe susțin că 90% dintre startup-uri eşuează, iar principalul motiv este acela că nu există o cerere pentru produsul sau serviciul respectiv.

Moldova Startup Week 2020

Vrei să cunoști mai multe despre dezvoltarea startup-urilor? Vino la „Moldova Startup Week 2020”!

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„Moldova Startup Week” este un eveniment marca Techstars, care are loc în peste 50 de țări din lume. Acesta e desfășurat în cadrul comunităților antreprenoriale pentru a aduce împreună oamenii relevanți în construirea ecosistemului antreprenorial, de la reprezentanți ai administrației publice, la viitori antreprenori, investitori și structuri de suport. La eveniment, participanții au acces la conferințe și ateliere de lucru, informații despre potențiale surse de finanțare și programe de accelerare, lansări de inițiative antreprenoriale, schimb de experiență cu alte startup-uri din diferite domenii, întruniri cu potențialii investitori ș.a. Pentru a fi la curent cu toate detaliile și actualizările evenimentului accesează pagina: