Tech Women

All the people must recognize the outstanding accomplishments of women around the world.  Although women have made historic contributions to the development of science, in present, many specialized studies found that women are underrepresented in (STEM) sectors, like science, technology, engineering. The largest gender gaps exist in emerging jobs driving the new economy. Since the women, on average, perform more routine tasks that are more prone to automation than men, being at high risk of displacement by technology, they must be more concerned about their underrepresentation in managerial positions.

Getting more women into the workforce in ICT sector, as well as reducing earnings and occupational imbalances  remains a priority for Tekwill project.

That is why we encourage women from the Republic of Moldova to participate more actively in the social life of the country, thereby assuring the whole world a better future. So, over 42% of the beneficiaries of our programs are women. We want to offer them support in receiving quality education and the fulfilment of their ideas.

At Tekwill, we provide equal development opportunities and encourage women to explore IT and science, innovate, become more competitive, and become more actively involved in community life.

Tech Women Moldova is raising women’ aspirations around our country by bringing together a multitude of events for experience exchange, knowledge transfer, mentoring programs, motivational conferences, educational actions and to facilitate access to career opportunities, growth of the professional affirmation in the field of technologies and other related fields. Thus, Tekwill brings women community members together for inspiration, education, and engagement, to elevate ICT industry.

Ladies come here to meet in a group supporting each other, in the framework of the relevant workshops organized by Tech Women, in efforts to establish solid strategies for businesses. Here they discuss about the current situation and how to strengthen ICT sector`s potential and capacity, focusing on requalification requirements. We are convinced that every well-trained woman can be an excellent developer!

By their implication, women can reach goals supporting TIC industry as a whole! Also, here You can engage in a permanent dialogue to further advance the culture of equality and bring personal commitments in this regard.

Don’t hesitate to participate in the program by keeping a personal journal for every day’s efforts in order to reach this purpose! Some actions can be taken at your own level, but You definitely need to be supported by the Tekwill team too. That is why we have contributed to the institutionalization of the women`s community in a public association „Tech Women Moldova” – an initiative dedicated to attracting, supporting and promoting women in ICT and creating the conditions for their participation in the most dynamic and profitable industry of the present and future. Let’s take action, because the inclusion of women in Tech can only benefits!

Women Empowerment Initiatives

In the last 3 years, thanks a prodigious collaboration between Tekwill, the UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment) and with the financial support of Sweden, over 1,000 girls and women have been trained in the IT field within the project “Empowering women in the field of information technology”. 

Women and girls that choose the IT career path have exponentially developed their professional skills, which has made a major contribution to meeting the demand for qualified professionals for the IT sector. The beneficiaries had complete training programs, dedicated events, thematic training sessions and workshops, fully or partially funded courses, scholarships, but also a series of opportunities to put into practice the technical skills.

Acord de parteneriat între
UN Women și ATIC

UN Women a semnat un nou acord de parteneriat cu Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul TIC (ATIC) cu scopul de a asigura mijloace de subzistență, competențe profesionale și sprijin financiar femeilor refugiate din Ucraina și celor din comunitatea locală, mai ales femeilor supraviețuitoare ale violenței în bază de gen și celor din grupuri subreprezentate. În cadrul acordului de parteneriat, ATIC va contribui la dezvoltarea și consolidarea competențelor și cunoștințelor femeilor și fetelor care le vor permite să genereze venituri în calitate de specialiste și/sau antreprenoare în sectorul TIC.

Un nou hub pentru femei, lansat la Bălți

Pe 20 martie 2023 a fost lansat un nou hub pentru femei „Women Hub Bălți”, conceput și implementat în cadrul „Empowering Women Hubs Network”. Această inițiativă este organizată de către ATIC, împreună cu IHUB, în colaborare cu UN Women și cu sprijinul financiar al Suediei. 

Urmând exemplele de succes ale Women HUB, deschise la Chișinău și Comrat, a fost planificată aplicarea aceluiași model în regiunea Bălți, alături de Centrul de Excelență TIC Tekwill Bălți, în sediul Centrului pentru Transfer Tehnologic și Inovare „Nortek” creat de USARB, ADR, primăria municipiului Bălți și alții.

Tech Women

Tech Women Moldova brings together a multitude of events for experience exchange, knowledge transfer, mentoring programs, motivational conferences, educational actions and to facilitate access to career opportunities, growth and professional affirmation in the field of technologies.

Women Hub

A space to support girls and women in developing a career in IT, which includes workrooms and events dedicated to the field, but also spaces for mothers with young children to promote social inclusion and to give them equal opportunities in the exercise of intellectual abilities. A fully dedicated Women Corner within iHub Green.

e-Skills for empowering women refugees

Желающие девушки и женщины, в том числе из Украины, приглашаются на курсы в сфере цифровых технологий для получения знаний и навыков, необходимых для профессиональной и предпринимательской деятельности.

Women in Online Work (WOW)

The ongoing program includes several courses and individual guidance sessions, tailored to the needs of women to be prepared for the challenges of working in the digital environment.

Private initiatives to engage Women

We’ve selected 2 initiatives: Izarra Community and that are focused on capacity building of women driven initiatives aiming to build awareness that information and communication technologies are the tools that enable gender equality and women’s empowerment and are integral of building societies, in which both women and men can substantially contribute and participate.

Private initiatives to engage Women

We’ve selected 2 initiatives: Izarra Community and that are focused on capacity building of women driven initiatives aiming to build awareness that information and communication technologies are the tools that enable gender equality and women’s empowerment and are integral of building societies, in which both women and men can substantially contribute and participate.