Entrepreneurship Programs
Supported and Powered by Tekwill
TEKWILL acts as a major point for attracting startups and other stakeholders to Moldova through its programs, expanding and promoting the educational and entrepreneurial content nationwide – a network that will replicate and promote the great achievements, constantly create new services, encourage new partnerships, define new streams, and set new trends.
Startup Moldova
Startup Moldova is a platform for generating, piloting, and implementing new ideas for both the local and global market. The program maps all the actors involved in the field of information technologies, connecting them to all areas of public and private interest on local and global markets.
Tekwill supports acceleration of new products and tech startups. The implemented programs have the mission to connect communities and stimulate the creation of new startups, but also to develop innovative products. In this regard, so far 470 teams have enjoyed assistance – business consulting services and financial instruments, international connections, etc. Supported programs include XY Accelerator and Upcelerator.
Tekwill Ambassadors Programs | Community
Launched in 2018, Tekwill Ambassador Program/ Community Round, successfully supported over 60 development programs of tech and startup communities, designed to achieve performance in the field of Information Technology and Communications (ICT), welcoming over 3000 participants to the supported initiatives.
Latest Entrepreneurship News
Promoting Digital Business Skills in Moldova
Last February, OECD Eurasia launched a new work stream to promote digital business skills in Moldova, carried out within the framework of the EU4Business: From Policies to action – Phase
Digitalizează-ți afacerea cu ajutorul Organizației pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului
ODIMM inițiază un proiect de asistență financiară nerambursabilă de până la 500.000 lei pentru întreprinderi mici, mijlocii și microîntreprinderi pentru facilita comerțul electronic, achiziționarea de echipamente și software inovative și
AgTech Hackaton Demo Day
În acest weekend, prima ediție a AgTech Hackathon, parte a Laboratorului de inovații AgTech, și-a desemnat finaliștii pentru Accelerator! Timp de trei zile, aproximativ 50 de reprezentanți