Promoting Digital Business Skills in Moldova
Last February, OECD Eurasia launched a new work stream to promote digital business skills in Moldova, carried out within the framework of the EU4Business: From Policies to action – Phase
It is not a myth that the global economy is moving towards a knowledge-based model, where innovation is the main factor responsible for the sustainable development of any country’s economy. Entrepreneurs are the ones who have the courage to adopt innovations and use their ideas intelligently, based on which they build businesses that change the world. Moldova’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is emerging, although it has made significant progress compared to 10 years ago, our country still has much unexplored potential, amid a lack of entrepreneurial culture, limited access to finance, as well as experience in managing its own product-based business.
In order to reduce the gap and encourage the development of startups based on information technologies, the Republic of Moldova aligns with international trends and implements programs dedicated to growing and supporting startup businesses. One of them is the Startup Moldova National Program – an initiative that gives the young people with innovative ideas access to educational programs, infrastructure, consulting, mentoring, opportunities to connect to international events and competitions, as well as attracting funding sources.
Within the TEKWILL Project, more than 1017 teams and ideas have been supported in the last 5 years, and about 30 thousand people became the beneficiaries of the programs dedicated to entrepreneurship.
542 entrepreneurial initiatives and startups supported in recent years by TEKWILL
Last February, OECD Eurasia launched a new work stream to promote digital business skills in Moldova, carried out within the framework of the EU4Business: From Policies to action – Phase
ODIMM inițiază un proiect de asistență financiară nerambursabilă de până la 500.000 lei pentru întreprinderi mici, mijlocii și microîntreprinderi pentru facilita comerțul electronic, achiziționarea de echipamente și software inovative și
În acest weekend, prima ediție a AgTech Hackathon, parte a Laboratorului de inovații AgTech, și-a desemnat finaliștii pentru Accelerator! Timp de trei zile, aproximativ 50 de reprezentanți
The main goal of the Digital IMPACT: Innovation Challenge Awards is to provide support to and engage with private sector companies in accelerated achievement of the nationalized SDGs, mainly through direct and matching cash and knowledge support to companies for the testing and up-scaling of innovative products, services or solutions for sustainable development, as well as, for accelerating digital transformation in public and private sectors in the Republic of Moldova.
Startup Moldova facilitates digital transformation for Small & Medium Enterprises through its Digital Upgrade program. Startup Moldova will serve as a platform between IT and non-IT companies to help boost non-tech industries’ assimilation of technological innovation and support cross-industry collaboration based on vertical synergies such as FinTech, WineTech, AgTech, MedTech, Lifestyle, Data sciences, IoT, e-Commerce.
Startup Club Brainstorming Session is the platform for bringing together the entrepreneurial community, where members help each other in solving business problems in a brainstorming format. The mission of the Startup Club is to facilitate finding, connecting, learning and developing together all those in the startup ecosystem.
Startup Weekend is an intense 54 hour event which focuses on building a web or mobile application which could form the basis of a credible business over the course of a weekend. The weekend brings together people with different skillsets – primarily software developers, graphics designers and business people – to build applications and develop a commercial case around them.
Five days of exciting entrepreneurial events that will bring together local and regional speakers and successful startups, and include over 10 networking, workshops, trainings, launch of entrepreneurial initiatives, and much more! Moldova Startup Week is organized under the global brand powered by Techstars to gather the local community, inspire entrepreneurship in Moldova, and empower local entrepreneurs.
Startup Academy is a program that aims to identify, stimulate and multiply the innovative and business potential, dedicated to all those interested in the field of IT entrepreneurship, development of innovative products and services.
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