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Promoting Digital Business Skills in Moldova

Last February, OECD Eurasia launched a new work stream to promote digital business skills in Moldova, carried out within the framework of the EU4Business: From Policies to action – Phase 2 project. This new project builds on the regional report Beyond COVID-19: Advancing Digital Business Transformation in the Eastern Partner Countries published in 2021. In this context, the OECD provides tailored guidance to Moldova on how to build a conducive ecosystem and set effective policies to further develop digital skills across the SME population. To this end, the OECD carried out desk research, hold interviews with local stakeholders and international experts, analyzed the current state of play, and eventually suggested tailored policy reform options.

On September 22, at the Ministry of Economy from Moldova, this third and last Working Group meeting highlighted the key findings of the project, with a particular focus on the topic of institutional and policy framework for digital skills and specific support for SMEs. This event provided the opportunity to discuss the latest policy developments regarding digital skills in Moldova and the draft OECD recommendations in that regard. A second session delved deeper into the example of Latvia, with a national expert sharing his feedback on the draft OECD report and his country’s experience in designing digital skills policies and providing targeted support to SMEs.

The study emphasizes the role and impact of Tekwill programs aiming to nurture the 21st century skills through schools programs, lifelong learning activities, children’s programs, women programs and many others, as during the last 7 years, Tekwill has delivered 2,982,536 hours of training to approximately 160,000 beneficiaries. With an extensive range of educational products and programs, during the session, the study case of Tekwill promoting Digital Business Skills and matching market driven skills with relevant educational programs was presented.

This event brought together policy makers and experts from Moldova involved in the design and implementation of policies that promote SME development, as well as policy makers and experts from OECD countries. Other participants included representatives of the private sector, as well as EU and OECD officials.

This project is implemented within the framework of a multi-country project “EU4Business: From Policies to Action – Phase 2” in the Eastern Partnership with the financial support of the European Union within the EU4Business. The project is co-ordinated with the work programme of the Eastern Partnership Business Development Panel under Platform 2 on “Economic integration and convergence with EU policies”. The project is co-financed by Romania.


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