"ISIGHT Partners
TenderWell App – a digital public auction`s solution developed with the support of the TEKWILL Project.
The TEKWILL project continues to support the private sector initiatives for the development of IT entrepreneurship and for the digitalization of society, but also the reduction of the workforce deficit in IT sector. Through „Private Sector Engagement Initiatives” TEKWILL is offering grant support for 10 companies with IT profile from Moldova for the development of useful digital solutions. One of the companies which benefits from TEKWILL co-financing is “ISIGHT Partners“, which is developing a tool to assist companies in public tenders.
Once the decision to go for a tender is made by a company, partnership creation is the first important step to be undertaken. However, the process of identifying the most appropriate partner is like the process of putting together a complicated puzzle. It might take days, sometimes even weeks. Since one company alone is hardly likely to meet all the criteria and thus win the bid, the Tenderwell App, powered by DevelopmentAid, is the perfect tool that allows companies to reduce by half the amount of time needed to shortlist the best partners for bidding.
Tenderwell has been designed to streamline the acquisition process. The application allows organizations to store, track and manage data efficiently and enables them to manage bidding opportunities, pursue them more quickly and plan strategically to get ahead of the competition.
Tenderwell App has been internationally integrated in the industry.
Best consortia partners for international tenders are using this innovative customer relationship management software named Tenderwell.
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