Women in Online Work (WOW)

Women in Online Work is now at its second edition and has trained in total over 100 women and girls.

A typical course is structured in 3 stages:

50 girls and women are taught to provide IT services online through international employment platforms for freelancers, within the “Women in Online Work (WOW)” project launched in autumn 2020, with the support of the Swiss Cooperation Office within the “Optimal – Opportunities through Technologies and Innovation in Moldova” Project, implemented by the TEKWILL Project in partnership with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova. 

The ongoing program includes several courses and individual guidance sessions, tailored to the needs of women to be prepared for the challenges of working in the digital environment.


Stage I

Includes a career training conference for 100 women. At this stage, participants will learn about new trends in the field of work and will be guided to prepare their professional portfolio on online platforms, to develop a quality resume, to maintain their page on social networks and employment platforms for free professionals. 

Stage II

Includes a free practical course for developing the skills needed for 2 online professions: Social Media Management, Graphic Design. Thus, for 3 months, 30 participants will take part in development and empowerment training to learn working practices in a digital environment.

Stage III

Consists of a practice session, in the form of an assisted mentoring for the 30 participants. The girls will be guided by mentors to prepare their portfolios, to register on international platforms, which offer remote jobs and a flexible schedule.