RTS “Public Digital Services” - a learning portal for the citizens of Moldova

RTS is a provider of IT solutions dedicated to business development in Moldova, including such as ecommerce development, solutions for combating cyberattacks, audit and consulting, mentenance and IT support, etc. 

RTS play an integral part in supporting the current technology needs for good development of any business.

Creating a revolutionary eLearning platform for the Moldovan market with which RTS is aiming to professionally develop population:

In other words, RTS is a team of managers, designers, and developers who help population to transform their business by creating and completing IT products as well as offering solutions which help any web projects to be more visible in the multitude of existing websites and bring real benefits and profitable.


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Whether the RTS customers want to progress professionally, exchange careers, develop a new skill or simply learn something new the proposed platform is the place to go, it offers a variety of course categories in order to help as many people as possible.


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