The ”UTeach-2021”’ initiative is part of the Tekwill Ambassadors Program and is aimed at academics teaching ICT, and aims to diversify ICT education and adjust it to current industry requirements, nationally and internationally. The program provides development opportunities and the necessary resources for all those interested in achieving performance in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It is carried out with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and Sweden in the project “Development of the Center of Excellence in ICT Tekwill”, implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies.
During the third edition of “UTeach-2021”, launched in May 2021, eight professors from the country were selected, who teach ICT specialties at the Technical University of Moldova and the State University “B. P. Hasdeu” from Cahul, who will develop innovative initiatives.
Lecturers had the opportunity to propose unique training programs, innovative teaching approaches, extracurricular projects and initiatives capable of modernizing the quality of university education in the field of ICT and related industries.
Thus, between June and December 2021, university professors will benefit from all the necessary tools, which include: technical assistance, consulting services to implement innovative ideas of education.
The expected result will provide an assessment of the quality of university training in information technology, will show their true potential, so that young people can opt for that university in the country, which could offer them opportunities similar to those abroad.
The “UTeach edition of the Tekwill Ambassadors Program” is meant to support the development of the university education system, with direct answers to the demands of the labour market, to raise a generation endowed with skills and competencies necessary for the professions of the future.
The initiatives of the 8 university lecturers selected in the third edition “UTeach-2021”:
— ’’Remote Laboratory” – a virtual laboratory for the distance teaching of engineering disciplines (Victor Ababii, UTM);
— Modernization of the curriculum of the course unit “Database management systems” (Svetlana Birlea, USCH);
— The digital approach within the mixed teaching activity (2 components) (Vitalie Maftei and Gheorghe Ceban, UTM);
— Information technology in education (Svetlana Cojocaru, UTM);
— Training course “Digital collections 2D/3D” (Elena Florea-Burduja, UTM);
— Circle Student Club (Dumitru Moraru, UTM);
— Platform for collaboration with the industrial environment in the process of teaching disciplines in the field of robotics (Viorica Sudacevschi, UTM).