Elevii din Republica Moldova explorează oportunități de carieră IT

Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul TIC (ATIC) a lansat
o nouă ediție a Campaniei de promovare a Carierei IT în școlile din Republica Moldova. Inițiativa
are scopul să comunice beneficiile îmbrățișării unei cariere în domeniul Tehnologiei Informației
(IT) şi să crească nivelul de informare privind oportunitățile pe care aceasta le poate genera.

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Moldova ICT Summit – A Decade of Supporting the ICT Industry in Moldova

        Moldova ICT Summit is the most important annual event dedicated to the information technology industry, and during the 10 editions, it brought together professionals in the field, representatives of academia, business, but also international specialists in the IT industry. The dialogue platform provided an opportunity for more than 9,000 participants to better understand the key role of digitization and transformation, new trends in the field, but also the possibilities that the industry can generate to provide solutions to society as a whole.

550 speakers took the stage of Moldova ICT Summit, during the 170 sessions and discussions dedicated to the ICT sector and the digital transformation of the country. Discussions also focused on the future of the digital domain for government, business and academia.

More than 100 national and international partners supported the big event, in order to identify directions and strategies to increase the country’s technological potential, competitiveness, but also to implement the latest global trends in the field.

Over the years, topics related to the strategic development of various sectors through ICT have been addressed; initiatives have been launched on tools to increase the efficiency of government institutions in public services, providing a dialogue platform for interaction and partnerships for all actors interested in this field.

Moldova ICT Summit is also an event of interest for digitalization officials in the country, who participated in all editions and reiterated the development priorities of the IT sector, presenting initiatives and programs to promote the field, including the development of related sectors.

Moldova ICT Summit is an additional confirmation that the consolidation of the ICT industry and the attraction of investments in the field are among the top priorities of the country’s development on the national agenda of the authorities, and every year, this large event brought a complex agenda to the general public, valuable guests, important topics for presentations and discussions, but also plans for the future.

The tenth edition of the “Moldova ICT Summit: The Future of Digital” was organized by the National Association of ICT Companies, in partnership with the Invest Moldova Agency, GIZ Moldova, with the support of the “Tekwill” Project funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden and with the support of the European Union and private partners.

Organizers: National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC), Tekwill, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

Government partners: Invest Moldova Agency

Development partners: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden

International partners: Digital Europe, Euro ISPA, WITSA

Sponsors: Orange, Moldcell, DAAC System Integrator

Renewable Energy And Innovative Solutions: PowerTech Vertical Developed With the Help of Tekwill

   The Tekwill project is committed to promoting the use and application of trans-industrial technologies based on the potential and strategic areas of Moldova such as FinTech, AgTech, PowerTech and MedTech. As a result, PowerTech Vertical was launched – an extensive program dedicated to entrepreneurs who develop solutions for the area of renewable energy. It is a platform that connects different players in the industry and creates bridges for the development of research and innovation. The vertical includes several programs designed to ensure the integration of technologies in the field of sustainable energy, including a laboratory created at the Technical University of Moldova, with the support of the TEKWILL project, supported by USAID and Sweden .

John Riordan, Deputy Head of the USAID Moldova Mission: 

“Renewable energy and energy efficiency are two of the development objectives of the Republic of Moldova, and we at USAID believe that through the efficient use of renewable energy we will ensure accelerated development of the country. USAID encourages private sector partnerships to choose and promote environmentally friendly technologies and thus develop new business practices and make investments that will mitigate risks. The Technical University of Moldova together with Tekwill created the PowerTech Laboratory – a vertical that supports a group of companies with activities focused on the tech and energy sectors. The laboratory’s work will focus on modernizing curricula and educational materials, studying the latest digital trends in global IT and creating opportunities for IT and non-IT development.”

Madelene Eichhorn, Program Manager, Swedish Embassy in Moldova: 

Sustainable development and the use of renewable energy are strategic objectives of Sweden. Sweden is involved and dedicated to sustainable transformation and is ready to share its national expertise. The use of renewable energy can bring excellent results in all sectors of the country, whether we are talking about a circular economy, innovative and sustainable technologies or a sustainable environment. The merger of the IT sector with the energy sector will create significant potential for the country’s further development. We are happy to be part of this digital development project and to provide training and technological equipment to support teachers, students and other beneficiaries directly involved.”

“PowerTech Lab” is a laboratory designed to provide a supportive environment for the development of unique and innovative products in this field. It is located at the Technical University of Moldova (78, 31 august 1989 Street, Block 2). “Power Tech Lab” reproduces, to a lesser extent, the environment within the Tekwill Center, stimulating the promotion of research and exploration of ICT opportunities, giving participants the opportunity to develop their own concepts. The laboratory is equipped with advanced equipment, which allows both startups and students training and testing in the field of sustainable energy. The laboratory aims to capitalize on the most important soft or hard assets of the university, thus contributing to the modernization of the curriculum and to the increase of the qualification of the targeted departments.

Ana Chirita, Director of the TEKWILL project / ATIC Strategic Projects Director:

In the coming years, the skills deficit will increase in parallel with the development of the industry, and education must be aligned, in order to cope with these developments. To achieve this goal, we set out to support universities in developing the capacity to apply the technologies of the future. This laboratory offers several necessary opportunities for innovation, business development and the generation of useful solutions, both nationally and, why not, internationally. Its establishment will help expose students to global best practices and the latest technologies. A great advantage is the fact that the laboratory is located within the university, which creates a technical environment and offers students the opportunity to develop products, along with incubation and acceleration programs.”

Viorel Bostan, rector of the Technical University of Moldova: 

Of course we have had projects related to sustainable energy so far, but this time, we will bring new materials, modern equipment and, directly, skills and knowledge that will add value to the content and opportunities offered by TUM. The launch of such projects as PowerTech Lab, in which we have the freedom to create and innovate in the education system, brings a dose of motivation and desire for knowledge and development. PowerTech Lab is the place to learn, fail and try again and build ideas that will change the world.”

Within the vertical “Power Tech” is organized a dedicated accelerator – “Moldova Power Accelerator”, in which 6 local startups in the field of environmental technologies will develop their services and products. For 10 weeks, the newly launched businesses will have expertise, mentoring and guidance from international experts from the DEX Innovation Center in the Czech Republic, but also from experts from the Republic of Moldova, to scale their business.

“Academy of Design”, “Phoenix Technologies”, “Uniqa Wall Systems”, “Scandinavian Smart House”, “Olegnegru” and “Vertical Wind Turbines” – are the startups that participate in the accelerator, developing innovative products, services and solutions, such as:


With the support of USAID and Sweden, “Tekwill” was created in 2017 as a Center of Excellence of the ICT sector in Moldova with the main purpose of aligning the field with current market requirements. Aiming to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the IT industry and other strategic sectors of the economy, the center expanded its fields of activity, becoming in 2019 a complex project at national level. The basic objective of the TEKWILL Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country, by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society, but also by increasing the research and development potential of educational institutions, in line with the demand on the IT market.

Moldova ICT Summit – un deceniu de susținere a industriei TIC din Moldova

Moldova ICT Summit este cel mai important eveniment anual dedicat industriei tehnologiilor informaționale, iar pe parcursul a 10 ediții a adunat pe aceeași scenă profesioniști în domeniu, reprezentanți ai mediului academic, de afaceri, dar și specialiști internaționali din industria IT. Platforma de dialog a oferit oportunitatea pentru mai mult de 9000 de participanți să cunoască mai bine rolul esențial al digitalizării și transformărilor, noile tendințe în domeniu, dar și posibilitățile pe care le poate genera industria, pentru a furniza soluții întregii societăți.

550 de speakeri au urcat pe scena edițiilor Moldova ICT Summit, în cadrul celor 170 de sesiuni și discuții dedicate sectorului TIC și transformării digitale a țării. Discuțiile au vizat și viitorul domeniului digital pentru Guvern, mediul de afaceri și cel academic.

Peste 100 de parteneri naționali și internaționali au susținut marele eveniment, cu scopul de a identifica direcții și strategii de creștere a potențialul tehnologic al țării, a competitivității, dar și pentru a pune în aplicare tendințele globale de ultimă generație din domeniu.

Pe parcursul anilor, au fost abordate subiecte ce țin de dezvoltarea strategică a diferitor sectoare prin intermediul TIC, au fost lansate inițiative care se referă la instrumente de creștere a eficienței instituțiilor guvernamentale în serviciile publice, oferind o platformă de dialog pentru interacțiune și parteneriate tuturor actorilor interesați de acest domeniu.

Moldova ICT Summit este un eveniment de interes și pentru oficialii responsabili de digitalizare din țară, care au participat la toate edițiile și au reiterat prioritățile de dezvoltare a sectorului IT, prezentând inițiative și programe de ascensiune a domeniului, inclusiv din perspectiva dezvoltării sectoarelor conexe. 

Moldova ICT Summit reprezintă o confirmare în plus că consolidarea industriei TIC și atragerea investițiilor în domeniu se află în topul priorităților de dezvoltare a țării pe agenda națională a autorităților, iar în fiecare an, acest eveniment de amploare a adus în fața publicului larg o agendă complexă, invitați de valoare, teme importante pentru prezentări și discuții, dar și planuri de viitor. 

Cea de-a zecea ediție a „Moldova ICT Summit: The Future of Digital” a fost organizată de către Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul TIC, în parteneriat cu Agenția de Investiții din Moldova, GIZ Moldova, cu susținerea Proiectului „Tekwill” finanțat de Agenția Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID) și Suedia și cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene și a partenerilor privați.

Organizatori: Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul TIC (ATIC), Tekwill, Agenția de Cooperare Internațională a Germaniei (GIZ) 

Parteneri guvernamentali: Agenția de Investiții din Moldova 

Parteneri de dezvoltare: Agenția Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID), Suedia 

Parteneri internaționali: Digital Europe, Euro ISPA, WITSA 

Sponsori: Orange, Moldcell, DAAC System Integrator

Call for Experts: Ecosystem Building, Startup Support, and International Market Connection

Startup Moldova and ATIC are launching an Expert call: to build the ecosystem capacity, support disruptive startups, connect them to international markets, and create seed funding opportunities.

We are looking for mentors and experts from different areas and with different domains of expertise to partner with our team to Boost non-tech industries assimilation of technological innovation and support cross-industry collaboration based on vertical synergies such as FinTech, WineTech, AgTech, MedTech, Lifestyle, Data sciences, IoT, e-Commerce, to develop a matching system of connections between startups and other startups, experts and investors and ensure a startup club to exchange experiences and contacts with International exposure. Also, to:

  • Provide funding towards entrepreneurs who innovate to support local businesses
  • Provide funding towards entrepreneurs that develop ideas with global potential
  • Provide funding opportunities for cross industry collaboration activities.

This mentorship program is an opportunity for the personal and professional development of upcoming leaders in the field of culture. It aims at promoting mentorship as a way of lifelong learning, knowledge, and experience exchange between an established professional – the mentor, and an emerging professional – the mentee.

By participating in this programme as a mentor you are offering support to the personal and professional development of young professionals in the field of culture from various parts of Moldova.

Mentors will also be required to:

  • Provide entrepreneurial education 
  • Provide digital literacy and entrepreneurial education for non IT 
  • Digital transformation for non Its
  • Bring in real-life problems into entrepreneurial education.

For additional information on the eligible and non-eligible expenses, application process and Project Application Documentation, please access the Digital IMPACT: Innovation Challenge Awards Manual. See manual.

The Awarding will be conducted through an open selection procedure in two stages (Pre-application and Full Application). The selection process is designed according to the principles of merit, transparency, equality and rational use of funds, by launching at least two calls, one each year.

The applications should be submitted at the following link until November 19:


Contact person: Irina Covriga, Entrepreneurship Support Manager, Startup Moldova community@startupmoldova.digital and Cristina Bocsanean, Project Assistant, Startup Moldova, office@startupmoldova.digital .

Renewable Energy and Innovative Solutions: PowerTech Vertical Developed With Tekwill

The Tekwill project is committed to promoting the use and application of trans-industrial technologies based on the potential and strategic areas of Moldova such as FinTech, AgTech, PowerTech and MedTech. As a result, PowerTech Vertical was launched – an extensive program dedicated to entrepreneurs who develop solutions for the field of renewable energy. It is a platform that connects different players in the industry and creates bridges for the development of research and innovation. The vertical includes several programs designed to ensure the integration of technologies in the field of sustainable energy, including a laboratory created at the Technical University of Moldova, with the support of the TEKWILL project, supported by USAID and Sweden.

John Riordan, Deputy Head of the USAID Moldova Mission: “Renewable energy and energy efficiency are two of the development objectives of the Republic of Moldova, and we at USAID believe that through the efficient use of renewable energy we will ensure accelerated development of the country. USAID encourages private sector partnerships to choose and promote environmentally friendly technologies and thus develop new business practices and make investments that will mitigate risks. The Technical University of Moldova together with Tekwill created the PowerTech Laboratory – a vertical that supports a group of companies with activities focused on the tech and energy sectors. The laboratory’s work will focus on modernizing curricula and educational materials, studying the latest digital trends in global IT and creating opportunities for IT and non-IT development. ”

Madelene Eichhorn, Program Manager, Swedish Embassy in Moldova:Sustainable development and the use of renewable energy are strategic objectives of Sweden. Sweden is involved and dedicated to sustainable transformation and is ready to share its national expertise. The use of renewable energy can bring excellent results in all sectors of the country, whether we are talking about a circular economy, innovative and sustainable technologies or a sustainable environment. The merger of the IT sector with the energy sector will create significant potential for the country’s further development. We are happy to be part of this digital development project and to provide training and technological equipment to support teachers, students and other beneficiaries directly involved. ”

PowerTech Lab

“PowerTech Lab” is a laboratory designed to provide an environment conducive to the development of unique and innovative products in this field. It is located at the Technical University of Moldova (78 31 august 1989 Street, Block 2). “Power Tech Lab” reproduces, to a lesser extent, the environment within the Tekwill Center, stimulating the promotion of research and exploration of ICT opportunities, giving participants the opportunity to develop their own concepts. The laboratory is equipped with advanced equipment, which allows both startups and students training and testing in the field of sustainable energy. The laboratory aims to capitalize on the most important soft or hard assets of the university, thus contributing to the modernization of the curriculum and to the increase of the qualification of the targeted departments.

Ana Chirita, director of the TEKWILL project / ATIC Strategic Projects Director:In the coming years, the skills deficit will increase in parallel with the development of the industry, and education must be aligned, in order to cope with these developments. To achieve this goal, we set out to support universities in developing the capacity to apply the technologies of the future. This laboratory offers several necessary opportunities for innovation, business development and the generation of useful solutions, both nationally and, why not, internationally. Its establishment will help expose students to global best practices and the latest technologies. A great advantage is the fact that the laboratory is located within the university, which creates a technical environment and offers students the opportunity to develop products, along with incubation and acceleration programs.

Viorel Bostan, rector of the Technical University of Moldova: Of course we have had projects related to sustainable energy so far, but this time, we will bring new materials, modern equipment and, directly, skills and knowledge that will add value to the content and opportunities offered by TUM. The launch of such projects as PowerTech Lab, in which we have the freedom to create and innovate in the education system, brings a dose of motivation and desire for knowledge and development. PowerTech Lab is the place to learn, fail and try again and build ideas that will change the world. ”

Moldova Power Accelerator

Within the vertical “Power Tech” is organized a dedicated accelerator – “Moldova Power Accelerator”, in which 6 local startups in the field of environmental technologies will develop their services and products. For 10 weeks, the newly launched businesses will have expertise, mentoring and guidance from international experts from the DEX Innovation Center in the Czech Republic, but also from experts from the Republic of Moldova, to scale their business.

“Academy of Design”, “Phoenix Technologies”, “Uniqa Wall Systems”, “Scandinavian Smart House”, “Olegnegru” and “Vertical Wind Turbines” – are the startups that participate in the accelerator, developing innovative products, services and solutions, such as:

  • developing a sustainable design for green buildings, offering more energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions;
  • consolidation of renewable energy;
  • construction of prefabricated houses, energy efficient, with solar panels, which are assembled in no more than a week, with zero waste;
  • construction of ecological houses, from project – to turnkey;
  • solar energy generation solutions;
  • solutions for building vertical turbines, in order to maximize the efficiency of the natural wind, thus generating more energy.


With the support of USAID and Sweden, “Tekwill” was created in 2017 as a Center of Excellence of the ICT sector in Moldova with the main purpose of aligning the field with current market requirements. Aiming to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the IT industry and other strategic sectors of the economy, the center expanded its fields of activity, becoming in 2019 a complex project at national level, with the slogan “The revolution begins!”
The basic objective of the TEKWILL Project, as a platform dedicated to the progress of the IT sector, is to ensure a major impact on the economic development of the country, by improving the entrepreneurial and educational capacities of society, but also by increasing the research and development potential of educational institutions, in line with the demand in the IT market.

TEKWILL – the Business Card of the ICT Sector in Moldova. High-ranking officials from Germany visited the Innovation Hub today.

The “Tekwill” ICT Excellence Center and the visit to the innovation hub was on the agenda of German officials, who accompanied the delegation of President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to the Republic of Moldova.

The foreign guests who participated in the presentation tour of the most important hub for the technological community in the country – “Tekwill”, got acquainted with the ecosystem of startups in Moldova, the successes and perspectives of business entrepreneurs based on innovation, educational programs for training IT workforce and others. Representatives of successful local startups also attended the official visit.  

The German delegation that visited Tekwill included:

  • State Secretary ate of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, Ulrich Nussbaum;
  • Andreas Neumann, Head of the Eastern Europe Department of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy;
  • Officer within the Economic Affairs Department of the Office of the Federal President, Katharina Diel-Gligor;
  • Deputy Head of the Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Moldova, Ullrich Kinne. 

The Tekwill team communicated to German guests about the country’s ICT industry, as well as the initiatives it is developing to significantly enhance the sector’s prospects and progress. Officials appreciated the programs implemented by Tekwill in the development of businesses based on innovation, but also the fact that the Republic of Moldova aligns with international trends, implementing initiatives dedicated to growing and supporting business ideas through infrastructure, consulting, mentoring, development opportunities and international experience. 

Ana Chirita, Strategic Project Director, ATIC; Director of the TEKWILL Project: “Germany is a champion in the field of innovation and has always stood out for its exceptional process of transforming ideas into products. Today’s visit was very relevant for us, but also extremely encouraging. One of our priorities, within TEKWILL, is to support the creation of an ecosystem favorable to innovation, to the development of new products with potential. From 2017 until now, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and Sweden, we have provided training in the field of entrepreneurship to over 44,159 people, and startups and teams supported by TEKWILL have managed to attract investments of over 14 million dollars. This demonstrates the transformative capacity of the Project and our team. We intend to place our country on the regional map of technological innovation and we are very happy that TEKWILL is becoming the business card of the ICT sector. Everything we do is appreciated according to international practices, and the present delegation that accompanied the German President in the Republic of Moldova, comes to reconfirm this ”.

The TEKWILL project, implemented in the Republic of Moldova with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and Sweden, has become an important player in creating an ecosystem conducive to the development of tech startups and innovation, by implementing programs to develop excellence in ICT, workforce and entrepreneurship. For 4 years, the TEKWILL project has attracted more than 13 million dollars in funding, conducted more than 865,000 hours of training, more than 400,000 people have benefited from its programs, and more than 43% of them have been girls and women.