Tekwill Ambassadors Program | UTeach
"UTeach" is an initiative in which professors interested in achieving ICT performance benefit from development opportunities and resources to adjust education to the current requirements and trends of the industry.
Supporting higher education institutions in the country remains a priority for the TEKWILL project, as the responsibility to educate a new generation of innovators also takes place in universities and academies. And to bring added value to the ICT industry in the Republic of Moldova, teachers benefit from mentoring programs, scholarships, and technical equipment to achieve a quality educational process.
UTeach 2021
In 2021, the Tekwill project expands its network in the north and south of the country, bringing universities closer to benefit from various technologies and opportunities to improve the curriculum, modernize and update those disciplines and skills that are currently in demand in the labour market.
UTeach 2020
13 professors from 5 higher education institutions: ASEM, USM, UTM, UPS and the State University of Tiraspol have been selected to be supported in promotion of various IT related activities (career promotion, capacity building, digital courses, etc.). Each participating professor received between 500-2000 USD for the implementation of the proposed concept. Also, 13 laptops have been distributed among participants.
UTeach 2019
The first round “UTeach” launched a call for university teachers with innovative ideas for adjusting the ICT curriculum to current industry requirements and trends.
9 candidates received a $1,000 budget each for implementing the proposed concept.